Monday, May 19, 2014

Claire - 4 Months

Claire had her 4 month check-up on Tuesday!  She had a great check-up...she weighed 16 lbs 4 oz and was in the 93rd percentile for her weight.  She was 24.5 inches long and was in the 58th percentile for her height.  Dr. Shultz was very pleased with her head shape and ear alignment.  I'm still trying to keep her off the back of her head as much as I can when she's awake, but it's nice to know that I can lay her down on her back (she's sooo content when I do that) if I need to.  

A few things that I just love about my 4 month old...

-Claire is just a cuddly little thing.  I think (since this is my third baby) that it's finally registering with me that this time when they're so teeny tiny goes by so quickly.  I often just stare at her in my arms and can do nothing but thank God for giving her to us.  

-She's rolling over from her stomach to back more and more these days.  She still hasn't mastered rolling from her back to her stomach (probably b/c she's not a big fan of tummy time....why would she want to roll that way? :) )

-She sleeps in her crib, in her room, in a sleep sack, with her sound machine on. 

-She sleeps about 9 hours at night, from around 10:30pm to 7:30am. Her last feeding is at about 10pm.  I'm going to keep slowly moving this feeding back so that's she's sleeping longer at night. 

-She nurses 5 times a day.  No solids.

-She naps 3ish (sometimes 4, depending on the length of the naps) times a day.  I still don't feel like we're on a super great, consistent, nap schedule, hoping to get on a better schedule sometime in the next few weeks.  We'll see.:)  

-She doesn't mind her carseat or car rides.  

-She LOVES bathtime and splashes and smiles through the whole thing.  It's really fun to give her a bath.  However, she's not a big fan of getting out of the bathtub.  She starts screaming, and I mean screaming, almost immediately upon getting her out.  

-She really responds to seeing the 4 of us.  It's so sweet to see her smile when she see's us.  

-She won't take a  paci and hasn't started sucking her thumb. Maybe she's going to take after her sister Emily and not need either.  

-She also absolutely REFUSES to take a bottle.  She was doing great with the bottle for weeks (I was pumping and Bert was giving her one bottle every other day) and then I got mastitis two times in a row and Bert got sick and she ended up going about two weeks without a bottle.  Anyway, now she'll start screaming if she see's one.  Seriously.  Bert has tried to give her a bottle many times for over an hour each time and she screams and flails about and ends up falling asleep because she wears herself out so much.  It's exhausting and stressful for everyone involved.  We've recently taken a break in trying, because trying to give Claire a bottle is one way to ruin a perfectly good night.  I really would enjoy knowing that if I needed to be away from her for more than two and a half hours I could, BUT I'm super thankful that the nursing is going so well.  I'd take this over not being able to nurse any day.  

Here are 4 pictures from her 4 month photo shoot!:)

We love you Claire Bear!  Happy 4 months! 

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