Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Two weekends ago we decided it was time for the big switch.  We moved Emily into Hannah's room, Claire into Emily's old room, moved Hannah from the crib to a twin bed and Claire from the pack-n-play to the crib.  The thing I was most nervous about was Hannah starting to get up 10 million times, each time we laid her down.  It took her about a week (it took Em about a year) before she started getting up, but so far she's only gotten up twice during any given nap/bedtime, so I think we'll count the switch a success! 

The girls LOVE sharing a room!  They actually get excited about going to bed...sometimes!

Emily and Hannah's room...

I need to get an "Elizabeth" banner for our Hannah Beth...

Hannah was soooo excited about her big girl bed and sleeping the same room as her sister!!  Emmy was pretty excited too!  

They're definitely staying up for awhile (sometimes up to an hour...yikes) after we put them to bed just talking and singing to each other.  It's always taken Emily awhile to fall asleep, but Hannah is used to falling asleep pretty quickly.  She's been a little more tired during the day...taking a much better nap than she usually does.  I'm sure they'll adjust.  It's fun to hear them talk to each other.  

Hannah fell out of her bed on night two after the switch.  It actually happened really early in the morning, but thankfully her early-bird-daddy was already up having his quiet time and heard the fall.  He ran in there to check on her and decided that all was well.  She actually ended up going back to sleep for awhile.:) 

They nap in separate rooms.  Emily's resting in our room during nap time.  We've switched over from nap time to rest time (for Em).  I let her take books and puzzles in our room, but she has to play quietly and stay in the room.  She's actually fallen asleep most every day since we started calling it "rest time"....before this she was only falling asleep about once every three or four days.  Ha!  We got her this amazing clock (like best-thing-since-sliced-bread kind of amazing).  The clock is yellow and turns green at a certain time that I set.  Emily knows that she can't come out of the room until the clock turns green.  It's great that it's not an alarm clock, because when she does fall asleep the switch from yellow to green doesn't wake her up...she just keeps right on sleeping.  At first I wasn't overly excited about spending the forty dollars on this item, but I'd say it's definitely been worth it for us.  She feels like such a big girl because she knows when she can come out and I get a little peace and quiet without being asked over and over "Can I be done with my nap now?!?!?!":)  

Claire's just loving the crib!:)  

Here's my sweet girl in her sleep sack!  I've used it for all three...I'm a big fan of the sleep sack.  She has lots of room to move around, but it's like she has a light weight blanket on.  It think it's actually comforting to her.  When I zip up the sleep sack I can often see her relax.  It's like she knows it's nap time when she hears her sound machine and gets snuggled up in her sleep sack.  

Bert's talented mom made the cute "Claire" banner for us!  

I just love pictures of sleeping babies!  Especially pictures of my sleeping babies.  It melts my heart!  

Thankful for these girls!  

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