Thursday, July 10, 2014

Claire - 6 Months

Our Claire is 6 months old!!  She couldn't be any cuter or sweeter if she tried!  She had a great 6 months are her stats:

Weight:  17 lbs 11 oz - 81st percentile
Height: 26.5 inches - 78th percentile

She's had a growth spurt...she's two inches longer than she was at her 4 month check-up!  Just for comparison Hannah was 18.9 lbs at her 6 month and Emily was 17.1.  So Claire's right smack dab in the middle.  Sweet girl!

Eating: She's nursing 5 times a day, eating rice cereal in the morning and a veggie for dinner.

Sleeping:  She's sleeping about 9 - 9 1/2 hours at night.  I put her down at about 9:30 (after her last feeding) and she sleeps until 7ish.  Her naps have improved!!  Woohoo!  She naps about 3 times a day.  The morning nap is her best nap lasting between an hour to an hour and a half.  The afternoon naps are still a little up in the air, but I've seen progress!  She sleeps in her crib, in her sleep sack and on her stomach.  I lay her down awake and on her back but she quickly rolls over to her stomach.  A few weeks ago she decided that she would prefer to sleep with her face planted (completely smushed) into her mattress.  Ugh.  I did not like finding her like that.  She was obviously getting air, but I had to look hard to figure out how.  I would roll her back to her side or back, but she would roll right back over to her face.  Thankfully, she's not really sleeping in that position as much anymore.  She still sleeps on her stomach, but turns her head.  Thankful!

Other Fun Facts about our 6 month old:
- She's rolling back and forth these days and one time I saw her keep rolling in the same direction a couple times.  I'm not sure what she was trying to get to, but I was impressed!
-She's sitting up for longer periods of time. I always have a boppy or pillow behind her though b/c she's sure to's just a matter of when.
-She's had a hair growth spurt too in the last few weeks.  It looks like it has a bit of a redish tint.
-She LOVES to be talked to and will smile in a second when someone starts talking to her.
-She's a big fan of sticking her tongue out.
-She doesn't hesitate to grab a handful of hair, much to her sisters' dismay.
-She's not a big fan of the Ergo these days.  She just can't get comfortable.
-She really likes her excersaucer and bumbo.  Really don't know what I'd do without the bumbo.
-She's such a cuddly little thing.  She doesn't nap with me holding her as much as she used to, so I enjoy it when she does.

Claire, you are an absolute joy!  We couldn't be more thankful for you!  Happy 6 months!  

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