Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Anniversary Dinner

Our anniversary was on Dec. 15th and we had a great day!  My mom came up a couple days later on Friday so that she could keep the girls and we could go out for an anniversary date night.  We decided to go to the Peddler Steakhouse.  We went there last year for our anniversary too.  It's just so good!  I get the pork tenderloin every time and Bert gets a steak and he's decided it's the best steak around. They also have an AMAZING salad bar which makes me equally as happy as the pork tenderloin, but then I really like a good salad. 

When we were at the salad bar there was a guy talking to another lady that he knew and she was asking him if they were going to have another kid (earlier in the conversation he had told her that he and his wife had 2 girls).  He said they would if they could guarantee it would be a boy, but since they can't he's not sure if they'll have another or not.  Bert and I just smiled at each other.  To each his own, but Claire and Abigail are such huge blessings to us it's hard for us to understand why someone would say they don't want another girl.  

We so enjoyed our time at dinner together!  The food, atmosphere, service, Christmas decorations...everything was wonderful!  After dinner we headed to several stores to finish up our Christmas shopping.  

Our anniversary date was actually a two part date (Friday night and Saturday morning).  On Saturday morning we headed to the movie theater for the 10 am showing of the new Star Wars movie.  Until about 2 months ago I hadn't seen any of them.  We've enjoyed watching them together and Bert has been so excited about this new one coming out. Bert could give you a more detailed analysis on #7 compared with the other movies...even though I've seen them I don't think I'm Star Wars knowledgeable enough to do that, but I can give you the summary....we both enjoyed it!  

I love him more today than I did on the day we were married!  Happy 8 years to us! 

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