Friday, February 12, 2016

Abigail - 36 week appointment

My 36 week appointment didn't go exactly as planned.  I was scheduled to be tested for Group B Strep and make sure Abby was head down.  When the doctor checked me he was surprised to find that I wasn't dilated at all.  I was surprised too....I was at least a 1 by 36 weeks with all of them. As he checked me, he had some concerns that she was not in a head-down position like she should be. He asked the nurse to get the handheld ultrasound machine to check her position. She did and he confirmed that she was transverse (sideways).  Ugh.  I was so disappointed.  I've never had a c-section and I can't say I'm dying too.  My labor and deliveries for Emily, Hannah and Claire have been great and I have so been praying for one more of those.:)

I wasn't exactly sure how she was positioned but I think I had some idea that she wasn't head down even before this appointment.  I probably mentioned to Bert 10 times that week before my appointment that I was worried she wasn't head down and to please pray that she was.  I talked to my sister as I was driving to my appointment and told her the same thing.  I guess I shouldn't have been surprised that she wasn't, but I still was.

He talked to me about my different options to try to get her to turn. Bert and I are not totally comfortable with the External Version for several different reasons. Our biggest is it sometimes causes distress to the baby.  They do this procedure in the hospital with a team ready to do an emergency C-section.  Mostly, we want to do what is safest for Abby.  If a C-section is safest for her then I will happily do that.

Easily, my number one choice would be for her to turn on her own in the next couple weeks.  I'll be 37 weeks tomorrow. They could try the Version at 39 weeks and if it were successful (50 percent chance) they would immediately break my water and induce labor so that she wouldn't have a chance to turn back.  If she doesn't turn on her own or if the Version isn't successful (if we  - us and doctors - decided to attempt it) I would probably have a c-section at around 39 weeks.  That is two weeks away people!!  I've made some progress on my "Abby to-do list", but I still have some work to do.  She'll be here so soon and I can't wait!!

I have my next appointment on Monday and they will check her position, do a ultrasound to check fluid level, and discuss my options at this point.  I'm looking forward to that appointment, praying she will turn, but definitely have a peace either way.

I love you sweet Abby!!

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