Saturday, May 28, 2016

Bikes and Teeth

Emily's had a big week.  She learned to ride a bike without training wheels and lost her first tooth all in the same week.  She's growing up on us! 

We got her a balance bike for her birthday back in April because we had heard that it makes learning to ride a bike without training wheels much easier.  She hadn't attempted to ride without the training wheels before getting the balance bike, so we don't have anything to compare it to, but I do know that she caught on SO quickly.  Bert worked with her at our house two different afternoons for a few minutes each time.  She did some stretches by herself, but we don't have a long enough drive way for her to really get going.  Plus they were having to dodge her sisters.  The quarters were just a little to close, so we decided to head up to the track one night and by the time they had gone half way around the track she had it.  

She wanted Bert to run beside her because she still wasn't comfortable stopping. He got a good workout that night as he did many laps by her side.  

Just before we went home she did a long stretch all by herself and did great!  Go Em! 

This little cutie did lots of laps while Bert was running with Emily and I was pushing Claire in the stroller, while holding Abby in the Ergo.  I loved this picture of her!!

She rode faster and longer than she ever has before....I was proud of her!!

On Monday Emily started saying that her tooth was loose.  It was really loose and on Tuesday and Wednesday Bert tried to pull it but couldn't get a good enough grip on it.  She was scheduled for her regular dentist cleaning on Thursday of that week so when we where there the dentist went ahead and pulled it out.  I LOVE the girls' dentist, by the way.  The girls call her Dr. Mary and her entire staff couldn't be kinder, more competent or more helpful.    

Her permanent tooth has already broken through the skin (it was peeking through before the baby tooth came out), so it won't be long before it fills the spot.

We lost the first of MANY teeth at the Watts house.  Each child looses 20 baby teeth, so we have 79 more teeth to go to be exact.  Sheesh...that is a smidge daunting to me, but I guess practice makes improvement.  I wouldn't be surprised if by the time Abby starts loosing her teeth that Bert just pulls it out with his eyes closed. :)  

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