Saturday, March 31, 2018

Abby - 2 years

Our Abby is already 2!  She's a bundle of fun, sweetness and spunk all rolled into one.  One evening recently when I picked Abby up to take her to her booster seat to eat dinner it occurred to me that sometime over this next year that will stop.  I'll stop picking her up all the time.  Right now I pick her up and snuggle with her before I lay her down; I often pick her up and carry her to get her from point A to point B (it's faster); I often hold her when we are at church or other public places so that she doesn't dart away from me.  It made me sad the other day to think about that I will still pick my other girls up, but it's rare, they're just too big for me to do it often.  I've thought about this often over the last couple weeks.  I know she's getting bigger by the day, and I want her to, but I'm going to enjoy how ever many more months I have of holding one of my babies in my arms while I walk around doing things.  

Abby has had 2 favorite outfits for months now.  Actually she has one favorite (seen in the picture below), one more that is acceptable and the other bazillion outfits she finds unacceptable.  If this outfit was clean I usually let her wear it, so since I wash clothes once a day she usually gets to wear it least 3 times a week.  This outfit made her so happy and you better believe I'm going to keep it even after she outgrows it.   

This purple shirt (that was Ressie's) under her Princess Elsa dress is her 2nd favorite outfit and she wears it really often too.  She was singing to her doll here...

She's a huge fan of dressing up these days. She'll wear dresses (like in the picture above), but I would say her favorite outfits are Emily and Hannah's old dance costumes.  She says "I a balwina!" ("A ballerina.")

Abby sleeps in this corner of the crib every.single.time she goes to sleep and has for months.  She is almost always curled up like this or on her stomach with her knees tucked under her.  Sweet baby!  She sleeps with her lovie ("La La") and her stuffed animal "Skye" that she got for her birthday.  

-We took out her high chair and moved her to a booster seat a month or two ago, but she doesn't like it.  She prefers to be in a chair without a booster.  I usually let her for breakfast and lunch, but for dinner (when we are all sitting at the table together) she has to sit in her booster.  It's working okay for now.  
-She has a slight lisp with certain words/sounds.  None of our other girls have had this, so it will be interesting to see how quickly she out grows it.  
-At night we have a bedtime routine when we put her to bed.  We sing "Holy, Holy, Holy" then Bert or I will pray then she says "Abby pay (pray)" and we tag team her prayer.  I'll say "Dear God, thank you for ____" and usually she says"Hannah" first.  We go through other members of the family and she changes up the order but Hannah stays first.  :)
-She really loves to ride the Minnie Mouse scooter on the driveway and sidewalk and is good at it!  
-Abby says her sisters' names pretty clearly.  She calls them "Em-ly"  "Annah" and "Care"  
-She loves to go to the park and isn't afraid to do the tallest slide or really anything her sisters are doing...much to my dismay.  
-She isn't a big fan of drinking anything these days.  She definitely hates milk and most days I don't even get a half of a cup in her (we try to get her dairy in other ways), but she also isn't a great water drinker.  She'll drink juice, but even that she doesn't love and has to be encouraged.  I've been in this stage before with my other kids, but it's an annoying one.  I am CONSTANTLY asking her to take a sip or trying to get her to drink something because it takes her soooo long to do it.  Thankfully, I know this will pass.  
-She LOVES Paw Patrol!  She can name all the pups and this afternoon when I was praying with her before her nap she prayed for "Chase and Rubble and Skye."  Ha!  
-She's pretty good at feeding herself but sometimes I do it for her when we're in a hurry.  
-She sleeps about 11 to 11 1/2 hours at night.  She naps for about 1 1/2 hours each afternoon.  She's recently taking longer to fall alseep during nap times so sometimes when I have to pick up her sisters at school her nap is really short.  
-She LOVES to have books read to her.  The ladies in the nursery at church comment often about how she just wanted them to read to her the whole time.  She'd sit in my lap and be read to for hours I'm sure.
-She's mastered the art of a temper tantrum and could give lessons.  
-She started refusing to wear a bib at dinner time at about 18 months and now (for the first time in eight years) we don't even own one. 
-She loves peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, bananas, apples, grapes, strawberries and blueberries. She also really likes roasted Brussels sprouts....all of our girls do.  If you saw them eating them you would think they were eating candy.  
-She doesn't like pineapple, mashed potatoes, carrots, and more that's not coming to me right now.  
-She loves going to church and gets so excited when she sees her friends there.  
-We recently painted our cabinets white and last week we found black crayon all over one of them.  Claire reported that Abby had done it.  Thankfully it came off with a magic eraser. 
-She loves to color, have books read to her, ride her scooter (if she sees it she'll say "dat my scooter"), swing, and dance.  She's the cutest little dancer - she basically pops her hips out from side to side!
-The other night I was putting on her pj's and she said "I loue you so much" and put her head on my shoulder.  Totally unprompted.  I melted in a puddle.  I love her too.  
-She's speaking in complete sentences now and even though she's been doing it for a little while now it is still sometimes surprising to hear her string 5 words together. 
-Her favorite shoes right now are her rain boots to wear out and about, but if we're in our house she almost always has on dress-up high heels from the dress up bin. 
-She loves taking a bath.   
-We call her Abby mostly, but she's also called Abigail (sometimes she'll correct us if we call her Abby; she'll smile and say "I not Abby, I A'gail"), Abby Kate, or Bert's favorite "The Gail Snail." I'm not even sure where that one came from, but he's been calling her that for awhile.  Abigail rhymes with snail and it's just kind of stuck for him. I hope he realizes once she knows what a snail is, he'll probably have to stop calling her that! 

Abby, you are so deeply loved by so many people.  When you smile your eyes light up and your laugh is one of the most precious sounds ever.  We love to hear your laugh.  You bring joy to all of us! We love you, Abigail!  Happy 2nd birthday!!  

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