Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Operation: No Thumb

We decided several weeks ago that it was time to try to get Hannah to stop sucking her thumb.  I had noticed that she only sucked her thumb when she was holding her bunny, but don't think that means that she didn't suck it often.  I would venture to say that if she was in the house, she was probably sucking her thumb 70% of the time.  I really don't think that is an exaggeration, but you get the idea.  It felt like she was sucking her thumb ALL.THE.TIME!  

Since the sucking her thumb seemed to be attached to bunny, we decided we should try to take bunny away just during the day (we still give it to her at naptime and bedtime).  This girl LOVES her bunny, so this plan was easier said than done.  

I decided that the plan would be to get Hannah and Emily to both go and put their bunnies in the baby doll cradle as soon as they wake up in the morning or as soon as they wake up from naps.  Emily loves her bunny too, but I definitely couldn't let Emily keep her bunny out and make Hannah put her bunny in the cradle, so Emily had to go along with the plan too!  The cradle stays in the office and I usually keep that door shut anyway, so it's not a big temptation for them to see it all the time.

The first day or two was rough.  Hannah was NOT pleased with the plan, but since then she really has been totally fine.  I'm talking no crying, no fussing, no complaining!  Crazy!  First thing in the morning I just say "go lay your bunnies down so that they can go back to sleep." They run to lay their bunnies down, run out of the office and I shut the door. I have not seen Hannah suck her thumb one time during the day since we started putting bunny in the cradle.  It has been amazingly smooth!!  I'm sure nighttime will be a different story, but I'm not even going to think about that for a long while!  I'm just thankful that getting her to stop during the day was such a piece of cake.  I NEVER would have guessed that it would be.  Thankful for our absolutely-adorable-2-year-old!  Sweet, sweet age!

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