Friday, August 2, 2013

Baby Update

I'm 17 1/2 weeks pregnant right now and I'm feeling great!  My nausea is totally gone (was gone at about 12 weeks with this pregnancy...much earlier than with the other two), I feel like my energy level is back to normal, and other than REALLY wanting boiled peanuts and a little baby bump that is definitely showing these days, I sometimes feel like I'm not even pregnant.:)

About the boiled peanuts craving: I'm not sure if you would it a craving.  I've wanted them for about 3 weeks now and still haven't gotten them.  I'm still able to sleep and function, but I think about them often.:)  I've been asking around as to where we can get some, but so far I haven't heard of any close to Greenville.  I've considered having Bert drive somewhere, but always decided it wasn't worth his time away (we like having him home), gas money, etc.  Bert suggested that I could get some in a can at the grocery store.  My response to that suggestion was "gross."  I didn't know they even came in a can....  Anyway, we're heading to Panama City tomorrow and my dad has assured me that we will have several opportunities to stop and get me a bag of boiled peanuts on the way down to the beach.  Woohoo!!  I'm excited.  I just hope we don't pass the boiled peanuts when all the kids are napping because I would hate to mess up their nap just so that I can get some boiled peanuts, but we're STOPPING!

My absolute favorite part about pregnancy is being able to feel the baby kick.  It's just the sweetest, most incredible feeling to feel the baby kick and know that there is a human being inside of your body...moving around...kicking....growing. Last night as I was laying in bed and I felt the baby kick for the first time.  I cried.  I was just so in's not like I haven't felt a baby kick before, but it's so amazing to me every time.  I felt like the baby was saying hey and he/she was doing okay in there.  Thankful to God for blessing us with our children, for allowing me to carry them for 9 months, for planning every detail, for forming them in my womb and for allowing me to be a part of the whole process.  God didn't have to allow the mom to feel the baby kick all throughout the pregnancy, but He did, and I'm thankful for that little blessing.

I have my 20 week check up in a little over 2 weeks.  Can't wait to get to see our sweet baby again as they do the "big" ultrasound...check the baby out from head to toe and tell us the gender.  It will be fun!  We're praying for our sweet little thankful for his/her life!:)

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