Friday, August 30, 2013

Hannah - 18 1/2 months

Our Hannah turned 18 months on August 14th.  She had her 18 month well checkup on Tuesday and got a great report!  She weighed 25lb,  12oz and was in the 69th percentile for her weight.  She was 32 inches long and was in the 57th percentile for her height.  We're thankful for our healthy little girl!! 

Hannah's Favorites at 18 1/2 months:
Food: Strawberries, cheese, blueberries, goldfish, bananas, etc.
Movies: Baby Signing Time, Barney
Books:  Potty, Imagine That, I Love You Stinky Face, Taking it Easy!, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, any Peek-a-boo books
Activities: Playing outside, swimming, dancing, climbing on things, taking baths, reading books
Phrases She Can Say: Mine oh mine, love you, up please, thank you, my Daddy, my Mommy, lay down, a bug

Sleeping Habits at 18 1/2 months: 
- Takes 1 nap a day. Usually naps for about 1 1/2 hours in the afternoon. 
- It usually takes her about 5 minutes to fall asleep for both naps and night time.
- She sleeps for about 12 hours at night and almost never wakes up in the middle of the night.
- She sleeps with her bunny (must have the bunny) and a blanket that her Uncle Stan made.

Things I Treasure about my 18 1/2 month old:
- She loves to be outside playing...swinging, playing with bubbles, playing with a ball, taking a wagon ride or just walking around.
- She loves music and she loves to dance.  She especially loves the "Happy Happy Easter" song from Emily's choir CD.  I couldn't begin to tell you how many times I've heard that song.:) 
- She changes her L's to Y's  - "yites" (lights)
- She says many, many words. She will repeat most any word you ask her to. 
- She doesn't like crumbs on the bottom of her feet and freaks out a little when something is down there.  The other day I thought she was surely being attacked by some sort of bug because of how upset she was, but it turned out to be just a crumb.:) 
- She loves her bunny.  So much. 
- She's scared of ALL bugs...flies, spiders, gnats, ants.  There have been many times when I've heard her saying in fear and pointing at a bug...."Ahhhh, ahhhh, a bug, a bug."  I'm not sure where the fear came from, but it's real. 
- The other day I was in the kitchen fixing sandwiches for lunch and I heard Hannah in the other room saying "Ahhhh, ahhhh, a fly, a fly."  I walked in there when I finished what I was doing and told her that we're not scared of flies....they won't hurt us.  When I turned around to go back to the kitchen I saw what she was pointing at....a HUGE spider!  We've got to work on her terminology so that I know when to drop what I'm doing.:) 
- Hannah keeps close tabs on her "Emmy" and likes to do whatever she is doing. 
- Loves having bows in her hair and asks for them often. 
- Calls any liquid (milk, juice or water) "juice."
- She LOVES to climb on chairs, couch, recliner, beds, tall stools.  It makes me nervous because she's still not that stable, but I feel like every time I turn around she's found something else to climb on.:) 
- She prefers to walk by herself...everywhere we go.  She's a big girl and she doesn't want me to forget it.:) 
- She loves being read to.  If she's upset this is a great way to calm her back down. 
- Hannah loves dogs.
- Makes the sounds for a dog, cat, duck, horse, and cow.
- Her teeth and hair are coming in slowly but surely.  She has plenty of hair now for a bow and her 6th tooth is about to break through any day now. 
- She's a great eater  -- doesn't really care for the slimy texture...cooked squash, tomatoes, but other than that she's content to eat most foods. 
- She's an explorer...loves to get into cabinets, drawers, etc.
- She's a content, sweet little girl (most of the time)! 
-She loves the water...bath, pool or ocean.
- She doesn't like it when Emily gets in her personal space or takes a toy away from her.  Hannah will start yelling to let you know her displeasure.  I like that she stands up for herself.:) 
- It's one of Hannah's greatest joys to take all the clothes out of one of her drawers in her room and dump them on the floor or in her hamper.  If I told you how fast she could do it you wouldn't believe me. 
- She still has the sweetest laugh, beautiful blue eyes and the most adorable little dimple on her right cheek.

Hannah, you are an absolute joy, and we're so so thankful for you!!  Happy 18 1/2 months baby girl! 

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